Prizzle - Software Engineer
Self thaught Full-Stack Developer and Software Engineer, 17 years old from Germany. Currently focussed on checkout automations, meaning checkout processes, anti-bot solutions, scalable backends and bot-UIs.
You can read more here.
JavaScript & TypeScript
UI/UX Design/Building
iOS Apps
Roles & Positions
2023/Q1 - Now | TaranisSNKRS Developer
2022/Q2 - 2022/Q4 | AtomFnF Admin & Dev
2021/Q3 - 2022/Q1 | UnleashedIO Apprentice & later Dev
Open Source
SafeFetchApi - A method to bypass anti-bots and ratelimits
Adidas-Tracker - Tracker for adidas orders
Nike Deeplinks - Documentation of Nike's iOS Deeplinks
Nike Channel Ids - Documentation of Nike's Web & App Channel Ids
Prodirect Release Scraper - Simple script in Golang to scrape Prodirect releases